Wendy SEOW

General Manager


Our strategic intent is to create a green and smart port and estate in parallel to the industrial one, creating a circular economy on the estate itself.
Read The Full Interview

LABIDCO In Figures

Estate capacity: 65 lots

Estate corridor roadway width: 14 metres

The La Brea Industrial Development Company (LABIDCO) was established to promote, develop and manage the La Brea Industrial Estate and the associated Port of Brighton. The company’s shareholding agreement consists of The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited holding a majority of 91.55% and Petrotrin (now Heritage Petroleum) holding the remaining 8.45%. 

The La Brea Industrial Estate is a 1.65 square kilometres estate of developed land with infrastructures and utilities to support the activities of the energy industry. The estate facilitates a Green Space which is readily available to facilitate small to medium green enterprises in land lots varying from 5,000 to 100,000 square metres and located 0.7 kilometres from the Port of Brighton. 

Port facilities:

  • Three berths
  • 500-metre turning basin
  • Warehouses and laydown area

LABIDCO identified over 1 hectare of land on the estate which was deemed unsuitable for industrial activity but due to the nature of the topography it has been considered as a location that can be forested and used for carbon sequestration on the estate. LABIDCO worked with affiliates in conducting studies to identify the best type of soil and trees for the areas. The company will employ local farmers to carry out the planting and nurturing of the trees in the development of the space. 

LABIDCO is also working closely with the University of Trinidad and Tobago to conduct relevant studies to create a GHG inventory for the Port of Brighton and progressively installing solar power installations to help decarbonise the estate.

Their strategic vision is to create a green and smart port and estate that works parallel to the current industrial estate to create a circular economy on the estate.

LABIDCO News and Interviews

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