Boodai Trading Company

The low fixed price of gas has led some observers to speculate that operators may refrain from declaring new reserves until prices are raised, increasing their profit margins.
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Boodai Trading Company In Figures

Revenue growth from 2020-2023: About 60%

Boodai Trading Company

Boodai Trading Company is a trading house that caters to the civil construction, infrastructure and oil and gas industries. 

With headquarters in Kuwait and branches in Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, the company distributes products for more than 30 global manufacturers of construction machinery. Main offerings include:

  • Industrial equipment
  • Road transportation vehicles
  • Air and power systems
  • Material handling vehicles and lifts
  • Light machinery and tools
  • Construction chemicals

Boodai Trading Company was the first venture in what has become the BoodaiCorp family of companies, a business conglomerate with interests in construction, engineering, travel and transportation, IT services and media. It has more than 7,000 employees and aggregate annual turnover in excess of USD 800 million.

Boodai Trading Company profiles itself as a solutions provider and a partner in complex projects. In addition to providing equipment and supplies, the company seeks to accompany its clients during the full length of their commitments, providing after-sales services that address maintenance and spare parts requirements, or backup equipment support when necessary. The company also has workshops at all branch locations, staffed with technical personnel.

The company has its roots in the oil industry and has been a supplier to works at upstream and downstream facilities owned by companies such as KOC, KIPIC, KNPC and Equate. It has also participated in important public- and private-sector projects such as the construction of Kuwait’s New Maternity Hospital and Kuwait Credit Bank’s new headquarters, and the expansion of the Umm Al Hayman sewage treatment plant.

Boodai Trading Company News and Interviews