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Republic of Congo 2016 Strategic Roundtable

Republic of Congo 2016 Strategic Roundtable

November 18, 2015

In November 2015, The Oil & Gas Year organized its first strategic roundtable in the Republic of Congo, held at the Elaïs Hotel in Pointe-Noire.

The discussion came at a time when Congo is passing key milestones, which include the launch of its first major bid round in 10 years, the first revision of a key hydrocarbons code in more than 15 years, and the start-up of the first phase of Total’s 140,000-barrel-per-day Moho Nord project. During the high-level debate, participants shared perspectives on the impact of low oil prices, their suggestions and frustrations for the long-awaited hydrocarbons code, and the unfortunate neglect of one Congo’s key resources: natural gas.