Argeo to undertake Trinidad AUV survey for Woodside

Argeo to undertake Trinidad AUV survey for Woodside

PORT OF SPAIN, April 18, 2024 – Argeo will provide an AUV survey for Woodside Energy at the deepwater Calypso field in Trinidad and Tobago, the Norwegian marine survey player said on Wednesday.

The  Argeo Searcher will be deployed for the project for around 60 days starting in Q3 2024.

Located 220 kilometres off the coast of Trinidad in 2,100 metres of water, the Calypso field is estimated to hold 90.6 bcm (3.2 tcf) of natural gas. It is licensed to Woodside, with a 70% participating interest, and partner BP, which holds 30%.


“This contract ignites our Caribbean and South American campaign to provide top-tier deep-water services within the North and South Americas (NSA) geomarket,” Argeo CEO Trond Figenschou Crantz said.

Argeo is a provider of geophysical surveying and mapping services with a strong focus on robotic solutions.

Last month, Woodside was reported to be seeking improved fiscal terms for developing the project. A report by Reuters cited CEO Meg O’Neill as saying the production-sharing contract for the field was designed for a more lucrative oil discovery rather than natural gas.

In January, BP said an FID on the project was anticipated by end-2025.

Photo courtesy of Argeo.

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