
Petrobras reaches first oil at Tartaruga Verde

RIO DE JANEIRO, June 26, 2018 – Brazil’s Petrobras has begun producing 27-degree-API oil from its Tartaruga Verde field, the NOC said in a press release published on Monday.


Tartaruga Verde is producing from the Campos dos Goytacazes FPSO, which sits in 765 metres of water about 127 kilometres offshore Rio de Janeiro state. The vessel can accommodate an output of 150,000 bopd and 3.5 mcm (124 mcf) of gas per day, in addition to compressing 5 mcm (177 mcf) of gas per day.

According to the press release, the field contains both the Tartaruga Verde and Tartaruga Mestiça reservoirs, in which Petrobras owns 100% and 69.35% stakes, respectively. The NOC is developing the latter reservoir in partnership with Pré-Sal Petróleo.

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