Petrobras rig

Petrobras closer to Sergipe sale

SãO PAULO, July 31, 2018 – Brazil’s Petrobras has entered the binding phase of a sale process for a 100% stake in its onshore Polo Sergipe Terra 2 field, local media reported Monday.

The NOC will now invite prequalified companies to submit binding proposals for the concession.


Petrobras aims to raise USD 21 billion from asset sales before the end of the year to free up cash to pay down debts.

In other news, Brazilian energy minister Wellington Moreira Franco on Monday said he would ask Petrobras to postpone the shutdown of the Mexilhão platform in the Santos Basin for up to three months, so as to decrease the impact on gas flows.

The NOC had initially scheduled the shutdown of the offshore platform to coincide with a period of lower seasonal demand.

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